This website is maintained by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Public Transportation Division and Trillium Solutions, Inc. ODOT supports the creation and maintenance of GTFS data for many transit agencies in Oregon. Several other transit agencies maintain GTFS data independently. This website exists to provide links for freely downloading public GTFS data for Oregon transit services.

GTFS is an acronym for the General Transit Feed Specification. GTFS defines a common standard for public transportation schedules and associated geographic, fare, and service calendar information. Learn more by reading the documentation for GTFS.

GTFS data is used in many applications including that present public transportation information, such as trip planners and maps. The data is also analyzed by transportation planners and researchers.

GTFS-Flex is an extension to the GTFS data spec that enables demand-responsive transit services (e.g. Paratransit, Dial-a-Ride, Microtransit, etc.) to be represented and discoverable in trip planning applications. ODOT has sponsored a pilot project to build GTFS-Flex feeds for a select number of agencies in the state.

More information:

  • The best practices page provides recommended practices for describing public transportation services in the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS).
  • MobilityData is the organization that facilitates ongoing development of GTFS. The MobilityData Slack channel is a space for spec and industry discussion.
  • The GTFS-changes email list is a discussion forum regarding the GTFS and proposed modifications.
  • The GTFS Github site is a repository to discuss the spec, suggest changes, or raise issues.
  • The Mobility Database and provide download links for GTFS data for public transportation agencies worldwide.

GTFS data includes files that contain geographic information that can be imported into and used in a variety of geospatial analysis platforms. There are several tools and websites available that allow one to convert these text files into more common geometry formats.

Transit serviceService areaData feed URLLicense agreement
Albany Transit SystemAlbany to terms and guidelines below.
Astoria Riverfront TrolleyAstoria to terms and guidelines below.
Basin Transit ServiceKlamath Falls to terms and guidelines below.
Benton Area TransitBenton County to terms and guidelines below.
Buena Vista FerryIndependence to terms and guidelines below.
C-TRANVancouver, WA to terms and guidelines below.
Canby Area TransitCanby to terms and guidelines below.
Canby FerryCanby to terms and guidelines below.
Caravan Airport TransportationWaldport to Portland to terms and guidelines below.
Cascades East Transit (CET)Bend to terms and guidelines below.
Central Oregon BreezeBend to Portland to terms and guidelines below.
CherriotsSalem, Keizer Licensing Agreement
Clackamas County Social ServicesClackamas County to terms and guidelines below.
Columbia Area Transit (CAT)Hood River to terms and guidelines below.
Columbia County RiderColumbia County to terms and guidelines below.
Coos County Area Transportation DistrictCoos County to terms and guidelines below.
Corvallis Transit SystemCorvallis to terms and guidelines below.
Curry Public TransitCurry County to terms and guidelines below.
Diamond ExpressOakridge to Eugene to terms and guidelines below.
Grant County People MoverGrant County to terms and guidelines below.
Groome Transportation - OregonEugene to Portland to terms and guidelines below.
Harney Hub TransitHarney County to terms and guidelines below.
Josephine Community TransitJosephine County to terms and guidelines below.
Kayak Public TransitUmatilla County to terms and guidelines below.
Lane Transit District (LTD)Eugene, Springfield to terms and guidelines below.
Let'er Bus TransitPendleton to terms and guidelines below.
Lincoln County TransitLincoln County to terms and guidelines below.
Link LaneLane County to terms and guidelines below.
Linn ShuttleLinn County to terms and guidelines below.
Linn-Benton LoopAlbany, Corvallis to terms and guidelines below.
LINX TransitLebanon to terms and guidelines below.
Malheur Council on Aging & Community ServicesMalheur County to terms and guidelines below.
Morrow County Public TransitMorrow County to terms and guidelines below.
Mt. Hood ExpressMt. Hood to terms and guidelines below.
Multnomah County Job Connector ShuttlesMultnomah County to terms and guidelines below.
Northeast Oregon Public TransportationBaker, Union, Wallowa counties to terms and guidelines below.
Pacific Crest Bus LinesBend to Portland, Redmond to Klamath Falls to terms and guidelines below.
Pacific TransitPacific County, WA to terms and guidelines below.
Philomath ConnectionPhilomath to Corvallis to terms and guidelines below.
POINTPortland to Astoria, Portland to Eugene, Bend to Ontario, Klamath Falls to Brookings to terms and guidelines below.
Quail Trail Public TransitChiloquin to Klamath Falls to terms and guidelines below.
Rhody ExpressFlorence to terms and guidelines below.
Ride ConnectionMultnomah, Washington counties to terms and guidelines below.
Rogue Valley Transportation District (RVTD)Jackson County to terms and guidelines below.
Sage StageModoc County, CA to terms and guidelines below.
Sandy Area Metro (SAM)Sandy to terms and guidelines below.
South Clackamas Transportation District (SCTD)Clackamas County to terms and guidelines below.
South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART)Wilsonville to terms and guidelines below.
Sunset Empire Transportation DistrictClatsop County to terms and guidelines below.
The LINK Public TransitThe Dalles to terms and guidelines below.
Tillamook County Transportation DistrictTillamook County to terms and guidelines below.
TriMetPortland of Use
UTransDouglas County to terms and guidelines below.
Wahkiakum FerryWahkiakum County, WA to terms and guidelines below.
Washington Park ShuttlePortland to terms and guidelines below.
Wheatland FerryWheatland to terms and guidelines below.
Woodburn Transit SystemWoodburn to terms and guidelines below.
Yamhill County TransitYamhill County to terms and guidelines below.
Transit serviceService areaData feed URLLicense agreement
Benton Area TransitBenton County to terms and guidelines below.
Clackamas County Social ServicesClackamas County to terms and guidelines below.
Columbia Area Transit (CAT)Hood River to terms and guidelines below.
Columbia County RiderColumbia County to terms and guidelines below.
Lincoln County TransitLincoln County to terms and guidelines below.
Multnomah County Job Connector ShuttlesMultnomah County to terms and guidelines below.
Ride ConnectionMultnomah, Washington counties to terms and guidelines below.
Sandy Area Metro (SAM)Sandy to terms and guidelines below.
Sunset Empire Transportation DistrictClatsop County to terms and guidelines below.
Tillamook County Transportation DistrictTillamook County to terms and guidelines below.
Transit serviceService areaData feed URLLicense agreement
Josephine Community TransitJosephine County to terms and guidelines below.
South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART)Wilsonville to terms and guidelines below.

Depending on the agency, the data linked on this website may be available through a license agreement or without a license agreement. Check individual agency websites or the feed download site for further information. Neither the Oregon Department of Transportation, nor its contractor (Trillium Solutions, Inc.), nor any transit agencies listed here guarantee the accuracy of any data linked from this website. Any and all data is provided as-is.

  • GTFS data is provided without warranties.
  • No availability guarantees are expressed or implied.
  • The agencies retain full rights to the data.
  • The agencies reserve the right to use their respective logos. 3rd party applications may NOT display agency logos without prior authorization. Unless otherwise specified, logos are an indicator only for official, agency-supplied materials.
  • 3rd party applications should be presented as such. Unless other arrangements supercede, 3rd party applications should not be presented as being endorsed by, or affiliated with Oregon DOT or individual transit agencies.

If you have difficulty accessing GTFS data, have a question, or notice an error in a GTFS dataset, submit a support request (please note the location of the feed that your request concerns).